Rhoda Rabinowitz Green
Rhoda Rabinowitz Green

Rhoda is pleased to announce the publication of her collection of short stories, Aspects of Nature, Inanna Publications, 2016.

Launch of Rhoda Green's Aspects of Nature May 25, 2016

Inanna is one of Canada's oldest feminist journals. It began in 1978 with its scholarly journal, Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme and went on to publish works of fiction, poetry and non-fiction by well-known feminist authors as well as emerging women writers. Inanna Publications offers "innovative and diverse perspectives on a wide variety of women's issues" and aims "to excite, enhance and motivate your passion for change."

Rhoda is the author of Moon Over Mandalay (Busker Books 2008), a romantic comedy. Excerpts from the novel can be found on the Moon Over Mandalay page. She is currently working on new story ideas.

You can find out more about what Rhoda has been up to by going to her Facebook page: and to Goodreads. Inanna Publications Blog has posted Rhoda's blogs on their own Blog. You can also read her blogs on a variety of topics by following the Blog link on this Website.

Aspects of Nature is available in Canada at Chapters/Indigo bookstores and may be ordered from Inanna, Chapters/Indigo, and Amazon. As an e-book at: iTunes, Kobo, Kindle, Amazon and Chapters/Indigo. In the US, the book is available at Barnes and Noble and can be ordered from Amazon.